Odds and Ends

If you make red velvet cupcakes be prepared.  No matter how careful you are not to spill, or drip batter or otherwise make a mess, sooner or later your kitchen will end up looking like the set of a slasher film.


A comment the C-Man made at dinner:

Why do they waste rest time on kindergarteners.  It’s the middle schoolers who really need it.


From the wrapper on the chopsticks (capitalization and punctuation copied exactly as written :

try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks the traditional typical of Chinese glorious history and cultural.


Odds and Ends

The C-man staggered out of school with a very heavy backpack today.  He weighed it when we got home.  18 pounds of homework.  Although, admittedly, there is a lot of flotsam and jetsam rattling around in there too.


I was so tired this afternoon that when I made coffee I forgot to put the coffee grounds in the filter.  I looked over at the machine halfway through the brewing cycle and thought to myself “wow, that looks really weak”.  D’oh


I am making cookie bars.  They are the C-man’s favorite.  At least they used to be.  Tom has been treating them to a wide variety of gourmet sweeties in my absence.  I hope plain old Tollhouse Cookie Bars are still adequate.


Odds and Ends

I have started eating The Children’s Halloween candy.  It’s been three weeks (ish) I think the statute of limitations has expired.  But if they ask, I am going to deny it heartily.


Knitting popcorn is a real pain in the you-know-what.


Apparently baseball is going to expand the playoffs to 10 teams.  I don’t have a link for that, Tom just told me from the other side of the table.  I don’t think this is a particularly good idea.  But I suppose it does give the Cubs a better chance of getting in.  Unfortunately it also gives them a better opportunity to embarrass themselves.


Harry Potter tomorrow.

Odds and Ends

I cannot find my blue flip-flops.  This is not really a crisis as I also have pink flip flops, tie-dye flip flops and black and white polka-dot flip flops.  But the blue ones are my favorites.


I think I might need this book:

Because I think I might need to knit me some pigs.  And maybe a skyscraper or two.


I have not called the tattoo parlor yet.  Maybe I will do that on monday.


I am rooting for the Twins and the Giants in the baseball post-season.  But if Kerry Wood makes it to the Series with the Yankees, it won’t break my heart.  I just wish it was the Cubs.


Odds and Ends

The C-Man has praciced the drums and bells three times so far.  That’s three times more than he ever practiced the viola so things are trending upward there.


I never thought I would miss Samantha Harris on Dancing with the Stars


Less than two months to go.  I can’t wait:

Odds and Ends

We caught The Mouse.  Eew.  Eew.  Eew.  Many thanks to Tom, The Disposer of Vermin for removing said mouse.  The funeral is tomorrow.


If you eat at Steak and Shake at 11am you will be the only people in the place.


While in Steak and Shake, waiting lunch and drawing on the kid’s menu The C-Man made the following comment when we told him his shake had arrived:

“Okay, okay, can’t a man finish his dot-to-dot?”

Odds and Ends

We are going to the Cubs game at Wrigley Field tomorrow.  The promotional item is a Carlos Zambrano bobble head doll.  Oh goody.  I don’t think we need to be there early enough to get one.


We put dog food in the mouse traps last night.  And somehow the little bugger managed to get all the dog food without setting off any of the traps.  We set them again and scattered some glue boards about the place.  My biggest fear right now is that we will come home to find a mouse in one of the traps, but it won’t be the mouse I saw.  Eep.


The Children have discovered a game called Fruit Ninja that they can play on the iPod Touches.  The C-man said it was good because while you are playing it tells you fun facts about fruit.  Therefore it is educational and should not count as a video game.  He’s always thinking.


I have decided that Adam Lambert should be a guest star on Glee.  Just thought I would mention that.

Odds and Ends

We have been watching a lot of baseball with French commentary lately.  It is hugely entertaining.  I cannot understand much of what they are saying, but on the other hand, I don’t have to listen to Joe Morgan.


Speaking of baseball, Lou Piniella has announced he will retire at the end of this season.  Do you know what this means?  I’ll tell you what it means.  It means chances are excellent that Hall of Famer  Ryne Sandberg, one of my favorite Cubs players ever, and current manager of the Iowa Cubs will be managing in Chicago next year.  And then he will lead the team all the way to the World Series.  Things are gonna change, I can feel it.


We have been spending a lot of time at the apartment complex pool during our stay in Montreal.  It’s very different than the local pool at home. For one thing, it’s over the children’s heads everywhere.  So I cannot sit and read magazines, I have been sitting on the edge of the pool playing life guard.  The pool does have one life guard.  But when we were there last week I saw him standing at his little station smoking a cigarette.  It does not exactly inspire confidence.